April 9, 2023 - Matthew 28:6
“He isn’t here—he has risen victoriously, just as he said! Come inside the tomb and see the place where our Lord was lying.” Matthew 28:6 TPT
Jesus, we are so excited to celebrate with you today the fact that you have risen. We thank you that you are a God of the impossible. You made a way for us to have a relationship with you and the Father. You became the sacrifice once and for all. We thank you so much that you not only died for us, but that you did what you said you would and you rose again. Death has nothing on you. You are the all-powerful God.
Thank you that the story wasn’t finished. Even when everything looked like it was over, it wasn’t. Thank you that regardless of what our circumstances look like and how impossible or dead things may look in our lives, nothing is finished until you say it is finished. We thank you that your timing is always right on. Three days might seem like forever in the waiting, confusion and unknown, but it is worth the wait. For you are on the move doing powerful things in the background. Thank you so much that we can trust you even if it looks like all hope is gone. And thank you that we can trust your timing for it is always perfect.
Thank you for all that today represents in our lives. Thank you for the salvation that you bought for us. Thank you for how you love us enough to come and give your life for us. Let us be forever grateful for your sacrifice and never take it for granted. Let us have hearts that always rejoice in your grace and mercy to us. Let us walk in them fully and show your love to the lost around us.
Jesus, we thank you that you are alive. You have risen, you have risen indeed! Let us always live our lives in a way that you get all the glory and honor for the sacrifice you made for us.
In Jesus name, amen.
