April 8, 2023 - John 20:9-11
“For until then they hadn’t understood the Scriptures that prophesied that he was destined to rise from the dead. Puzzled, Peter and the other disciple then left and went back to their homes. Mary arrived back at the tomb, broken and sobbing.” John 20:9-11 TPT
Lord, so often we don’t understand what you are up to. I think of the disciples on that day. So confused as to why the Lord and Savior, their Messiah, would allow himself to be crucified. Their dreams were crushed; their friend and mentor dead. They didn’t really understand all the talk about you rebuilding the temple in 3 days. For them, there was just fear and heartbreak.
Would you be with us and give us peace on those “Saturday’s” where we find ourselves between the death and the resurrection? When we find ourselves in the place of misunderstandings? Jesus, you did tell the disciples what was coming, but it was an impossible thing that they couldn’t wrap their minds around. When we find ourselves in those places of facing the impossible to get out, help us put our trust in your ability to do the impossible and not get lost and overwhelmed by it. For today might be Saturday, but tomorrow is Resurrection Day! The impossible is about to happen.
Lord, right now, on Saturday, you are not just lying dead in a tomb. No, you are taking care of business on our behalf. You have defeated the devil, taken back the keys to death, hell, and the grave. You have covered all our sins with your blood once and for all. Even when it looks hopeless to us, you are busy working on our behalf. Help us never forget that. Lord, we thank you again for all you did to buy back the victory. You are so worthy of our lives, our trust, and our faith. We trust that you are working on our behalf and thank you that tomorrow is Sunday!!
In Jesus name, amen.
