April 30, 2022 - Colossians 2:8
“Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.” Colossians 2:8 NLT
Lord, we thank you that you are the God of all wisdom. We can always trust who you are and what you say. We ask for your help to guard our hearts, minds, and spirits from the thoughts and ways of this world. It is so easy to buy into the way our world, society, culture, generation, etc. thinks. We often don’t even recognize it as it is normal to everything that is around us. So much of the beliefs of our culture do not line up with your word. We never want to buy into any lie that would tell us that your Word is outdated and doesn’t apply anymore. We don’t want our desire to be liked or to fit into our culture to allow us “go with the flow” of beliefs that are against yours, Father. Help us be willing to stand up for your truth even if it isn’t popular or if it costs us something.
Lord, we invite you to come and open our eyes to any thought patterns or behaviors that we are living in that do not line up with you and your ways. Increase our discernment to immediately recognize if something we are exposed to doesn’t line up with your ways, regardless of how right or good it sounds. Give us such clear warnings the second we start to accept something not of you even if it is just a fraction off of what it should be. Help us not to replicate the patterns of this world, but we want to replicate you to the world. We want to \ stand out as a lighthouse shining you and your truth into this world that is so desperately in need of light. Give us such wisdom on how to stand for truth in a way that honors you and isn’t done in pride, but humility. Even when we need to shout your truth from the rooftops, help us do it in love and meekness.
In Jesus name, amen.
