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April 29, 2024 - Jeremiah 32:17

“O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!” Jeremiah 32:17 NLT


Lord, you are Sovereign. Nothing comes close to comparing to you. You are magnificent and majestic. All creation cries out in worship of you. When we look at nature around us it is like an orchestra moving in perfect rhythm and harmony declaring non-stop praises to you. The heavens cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy!” You are the creator of everything. How can anything be greater than you if you thought it up and created it? Your wisdom is limitless. What an honor to be your prized creation. We thank you that you chose to give us free will. We don’t have to worship you but choose to because we acknowledge that you are the God over everything, and you deserve all the honor and glory. You are all powerful and nothing is too hard for you. We want our lives to join in with creations symphony of praise. We have each been given notes to play that are timed just right to fit in perfectly with the melody. Lord, we want to live our part out perfectly. Help us walk in obedience. Help us live in a way that brings you glory and honor all the time. You are so worthy. How wonderful that we have all eternity to tell you how astounding you are.


Lord, we praise you not only for who you are and because you deserve it, but we also praise you for all that you do for us. We praise you for your unending and perfect love. We praise you for surrounding us. We praise you for being our defender. You are what gives us hope every day. You are the source of life and what makes life worth living. You have redeemed us and set us free. You pour out an abundance of blessings over us. You forgive us again and again. You are faithful to us even when we are not faithful to you. You are truly astounding. Your goodness never ends. All praise belongs to you.


In Jesus name, amen.



About Colleen


Colleen Crawford has served full time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1995. She served with YWAM Orlando for over 20 years. Since then, has been serving all over the world with YWAM Ships. She has a deep love for... 

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The heart behind these daily prayers is to put God’s word into action - to pray out and release the power it contains. 


There is so much power in the Bible – the Word of God. 


“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1 NLT) 


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