April 28, 2023 - Psalms 119:36-37
“Give me an eagerness for your laws rather than a love for money! Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word.” Psalms 119:36-37 NLT
Yes, Lord, make this our heartfelt prayer. Make us eager to know, understand, and obey your laws. Help us to see them as the gateway to true freedom and not something that is confining. They don’t hold us back or keep us from having fun, but they set us free and provide us with true joy and peace. Show us how to not just read them, but truly understand how to apply them to our lives and live within them. Increase our desire to walk in them. Help us not to get caught up in loving the ways of this world. Help us to keep our eyes on you and not get drawn into the world’s ways or the things the world values. Show us any place in our lives where we have chosen the ways of the world over your ways. When it is needed, realign our values system so it aligns with your ways.
We ask that you turn our eyes from worthless things. Help us to never make gaining them a priority in our lives. Change our mindset so that we view money as a tool to build your kingdom and not something to love or hoard. Teach us how to be generous in the same manner you are generous. It is unbelievable how much we gain that is truly valuable when we give up what holds no true value at all. Help us set our eyes on your eternal values and place them above any earthly value that will pass away. Help us be willing to give everything we are and have to your kingdom’s cause. When we make you our highest priority, everything else in life will fall into the correct place. Help us learn to live that out. We want you above all else. Today, we commit anew to walking in your kingdom ways. Give us a stronger desire to dig into your Word and learn your ways.
In Jesus name, amen.
