April 26, 2022 - Luke 21:34
"Be careful. If you aren't, your hearts will be loaded down with wasteful living, drunkenness and the worries of life. Then the day the Son of Man returns will close on you like a trap. You will not be expecting it.” Luke 21:34 NIRV
Lord, we thank you so much for how you warn us away from dangerous things. You are the perfect parent who wants to keep your children from harm, yet you also give us free will to choose. I wish I could say that we always choose the best things for ourselves. We want to ask that you would help us as we are making choices in life. You say when we ask for your wisdom you will freely give it to us in abundance. We want to come before you again and ask for more of your wisdom. When we face choices, let that wisdom guide us in making the best and most wise choices that will glorify you. Holy Spirit, help us know your voice and leading. Help us keep our spirits so tuned into you and eager to follow you. Help us run away when you first start warning us. We never want to push past your warnings thinking that we are strong enough to say no later. We don’t want to be people who see how close they can get to the line without crossing it.
Lord, we pray these prayers not only about the things that we easily label as sin, such as drunkenness, but we also want to pray it over the things that we don’t view as outright sin or that we are quick to overlook. We pray that for the areas such as worrying, fear or insecurities, insignificance, passivity, jealousy, conceit, selfishness, etc. Why are we so quick to allow those things a place in our lives? These are just as much of a trap as the “bigger” sins are. Help us uproot them from our lives and be so careful to run from the slopes that have us quickly sliding back into them. Help us guard our lives so that we are living as your pure bride and are ready for your return.
In Jesus name, amen.
