April 25, 2022 - Matthew 11:29
“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29 NLT
Lord, this verse along with 28 & 30 are such common verses and they carry a delightful message. We praise you that you want to take our heavy burdens and replace them with your light ones. It is so wonderful that our weary souls can find rest in you. We are so grateful for how you love us and want to see us living a flourishing life. Lord, today as I was reading these verses, the normal message of them wasn’t what caught my attention, but I notice you describing some of who you are. How better to learn more about who you are than to listen to you tell us about yourself.
Lord, you describe yourself as humble and gentle at heart. That is so different than the picture that most people paint of God. It seems natural to see the Almighty God as aloof and stern. So many of the really powerful leaders of our time carry themselves in a prideful manner. Our mindset of them can easily carry over into our view of you. But, Lord, you are the opposite of that. You carry your power in the most kind and loving way. You choose to make yourself approachable. You are an amazing example of humility. You above all else have reason to be prideful in who you are, what you have done, and what you can do. Yet, you don’t walk in pride and lord your power over us. You walk humbly and allow us to choose how we treat you.
Lord, you describe your presence as a place that we can find peace and rest. It isn’t a place that we must worry or fear approaching you. We don’t have to worry that you might strike us dead for speaking to you. We don’t have to be anxious about how your response to us will be. No, we can come and rest in your arms, fully at peace and content. You are so amazing to us. We praise you for the mind-blowing God you are.
In Jesus name, amen.
