April 24, 2023 - John 1:3-4
“Everything came into existence through him. Not one thing that exists was made without him. He was the source of life, and that life was the light for humanity.” John 1:3-4 GW
Jesus, we thank you that you are the source of life. We praise you for being the light that makes life worth living. You are in the sunshine as it touches our skin with its warmth. You are in the rain as it refreshes the parched ground. You are in the song that the birds sing each morning and in the beauty of a blooming flower. We see your majesty in the tall snow-covered mountains. We are surrounded by your presence all the time. Whether we recognize you or not, you are there. It is through your presence we can draw breath into our lungs. It is you that allows the blood to pump through our veins. It is you that gives each of us life. It is you at the core of each atom that makes up all of creation. Without you everything would cease to exist. We can’t get away from your presence. It surrounds us, sustains us, and is a part of our very being.
Lord, so why is it that we feel you are so hard to find sometimes? You can feel so far away, but that isn’t the truth. Open our eyes, minds, and hearts to see your presence all around us. Make us more aware of you. Tune us in to what you are doing in and around us. Remind us that you are with us and within us. Lord, do this not just for us who acknowledge you, but we ask that your Spirit come and open the eyes of those blinded to the revelation of who you are. Reveal yourself to those who don’t understand that you are the source of their life. Use us who believe to reveal your presence to the lost and draw them unto you. Open our eyes, so we can have a part in opening other’s eyes. Let our lives be a beautiful reflection of who you are into the world around us. All for your glory, oh Lord.
In Jesus name, amen.
