April 2, 2023 - 1 John 4:18
“Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.” 1 John 4:18 NLT
Lord, again today we thank you for your perfect love for us. We thank you for how you shower your love on us every day. It is what gives us life each day. Help us recognize it more and more. Open our eyes to see and understand more of how you love us. Silence the lies of the enemy that would tell us that it isn’t true or that it isn’t true for us personally. That we have messed up too badly or too many times. We acknowledge the truth and declare that we are loved by you, seen by you, known by you, and are significant to you.
Today, reveal more of your love to us and allow us to encounter it on a deeper level. Let us see transformation in our lives because of how we encounter your love. We want to walk in such perfect love that fear has no power over us. We bind fear out of our lives right now. Lord, open our eyes to see places where we are yielding to fear and then show us what we need to do to rid ourselves of it. We thank you that you have already overcome fear. It has been defeated and we don’t have to allow it to have a place in our lives. Again, I ask that you to open our hearts up to more of your love, so it will push out all the fear trying to have a place in us.
Lord, help us follow you wholeheartedly. We don’t want to allow anything to hold us back. We want all you have for us. We posture ourselves to receive all of it. You are truly our greatest treasure. We want to value you above all else. Thank you, Lord, how you love us and long to pour yourself out over us. We will surrender whatever it takes to get all you have for us. Today, we say, “Yes, Lord, yes!”
In Jesus name, amen.
