April 19, 2024 - 2 Timothy 4:18
“Yes, and the Lord will deliver me from every evil attack and will bring me safely into his heavenly Kingdom. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen.” 2 Timothy 4:18 NLT
Lord, we glorify your name. You are worthy of all our praise. We look forward to spending eternity declaring praises. Even with eternity, we will never declare enough praises to reach the end of your worthiness. We praise you for how you love and care for us. It is remarkable how you love us. Thank you for being our protector and defender. Thank you that even though evil might be against us, you are for us. Evil will never overcome you. We praise you that you are Almighty and All-powerful. We praise you that when we stand with you, you will bring us through everything we face. That doesn’t mean we won’t walk through hard times or even that we won’t be hurt in the battle, but it does mean that you are always with us, and you will always take care of us. We never have to worry that you won’t be there for us. We will never be forgotten or overlooked by you. You are always with us and will lead us through every attack we face.
We praise you that we don’t have to try and solve everything ourselves. Help us have the patience that we need to trust that you will deliver us. Help us learn to wait on you, even when it seems to us like you are taking too long. We want to trust you and your ways. Teach us how to stand firm in you. Teach us how to use our armor, our shields, and our swords and know how to fight with you. Remind us every time we need reminding that we fight not against flesh and blood but against evil forces. Help us get your Word deep in us so we can use it to push back the enemy. Help us remember that your Word is a huge tool that you have given us to deliver us from the evil that is attacking. Help us learn to speak it out and apply it to our lives!
In Jesus name, amen.
