April 16, 2022 - Ephesians 1:7
“Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace.” Ephesians 1:7 TPT
Lord, we are so amazed by the fact that you have made a way for us to be joined with you, the God over all. Wow. We will never stop being amazed by this fact. How is it even possible that we lowly humans who constantly make mistakes, can be chosen and accepted by the pure and holy, most powerful God. It is only through your grace. We praise you that you are a God that is so full of grace. We praise you for your mercy and love as well. Your grace, mercy, and love all make a way where there should be no way. We praise you that nothing is impossible for you. We praise you that you are in the business of using those of us who mess up regularly as long as our hearts are humble and seeking after you. You are so wonderful to us!
Jesus, we praise you for the price you paid to redeem us. You shed your blood in such a painful and humiliating way so that you could pay the price of our sin forevermore. We could never repay you for the price that you willingly paid. What love you have for us! We will treasure your redemption and work to live a life that is worthy of your sacrifice. No sacrifice that we could pay to live for you would ever come close to repaying you for the sacrifice that you have made for us. We praise you that our sins have been totally cancelled. What an amazing gift your grace is to us! Lord, your riches truly do cascade down over us every day of our lives. They are never ending. We praise you for all that you bless us with. Open our eyes and help us recognize all the blessings that you have placed in our lives. We want to spend all of eternity praising you for them!
In Jesus name, amen.
