April 15, 2023 - Galatians 5:9
“Don’t you know that when you allow even a little lie into your heart, it can permeate your entire belief system?” Galatians 5:9 TPT
Lord, help us learn to recognize lies of the enemy quickly in our lives. Open our eyes to see any place where our lives don’t line up with your truth. We don’t want to give him any ground in our lives. We want to live solely by your truth.
Lord, show us any place where we have compared ourselves with others and decided that we are good enough because we come out looking better than them in our eyes. Lord, we only want to compare ourselves to you. And any area we fall short in we want to bring to you and ask you to help us get it straightened out.
Wash us whiter than snow. Purify us and remove anything that isn’t you. Don’t let sin and untruths penetrate our belief system. Again, show us anywhere that our beliefs don’t line up with your truth. Help us be quick to be willing to redefine our beliefs anytime we need to. And make us quick to remove lies and wrong thinking before it becomes a part of our belief system. As this verse says, even the smallest lies can lead us far astray in big ways. Help us not to excuse away even the smallest of things. You want to see us walking successfully in your truth. You want to help us align our lives to your truth. You want to help us be successful in this. We are never alone and don’t have to make this happen by ourselves. Thank you, Lord, for how you always stand with us. You are so amazing. We love you.
In Jesus name, amen.
