April 12, 2024 - Matthew 12:35
“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.” Matthew 12:35 NLT
Lord, what is in the treasury of our hearts? We want to have good hearts that are found pleasing to you. Search us and know our hearts. Reveal to us the things that are not pleasing to you. We don’t want to harbor anything not of you. Lord, help us release these things and allow you to uproot them from our hearts. We don’t just want to remove the actions that are seen, but the whole root cause. We want to get every bit of the root out so that it can’t continue to grow in us. Be the master surgeon and do your work in us. We give you permission, even if it is uncomfortable or causes us pain, to remove anything of evil origin in our hearts. Change us to be more like you. Set us free from any evil within us. We praise you that you long to do that. We trust you fully. You are good and we can trust you with our hearts. Come and do your work in us.
Align our hearts to yours. Align our values to your truth. Give us hearts that are 100% after you. Clean us and give us a good heart. We want to produce fruit that is good. Let us store up a treasury of fruit that brings you glory because it comes from the treasury of our good hearts. Draw us close to you. Transform us to be more like you. We want to be a living example of you to the world around us. Help us represent you well in all that we do. All for your glory, our Lord.
In Jesus name, amen.
