April 11, 2022 - Psalms 145:9
“The LORD is good to everyone; his compassion rests on all he has made.” Psalms 145:9 CSB
Lord, we are so grateful for your goodness and your compassion. We praise you that it isn’t just for those who serve you and love you wholeheartedly. This verse states it is for everyone and all that you have made. It doesn’t exclude anyone or anything. How amazing is that! You extend your love to all of creation. There isn’t anyone you are not pursuing with your love.
Lord, we can look at so many examples of this in the Bible. We see how even those who sinned with murder, adultery, denying you and more, when they bring it to you, you forgave and used them for powerful things. We even see this in places walking in great sin, you give them opportunities to turn and come to you. Nineveh is a great example of this. They were a ruthlessly violent city, but the whole city turned from their evil ways and repented, and you forgave them. We praise you that no matter how we mess up, your compassion for us is unending. All we must do is run to you with repentant hearts to see it poured out over us. Thank you so much Jesus for the price you paid so we could experience your forgiveness. We are so grateful for your goodness, mercy, and compassion.
Lord, I can easily look back over my life and see how you have always been faithful and good to me. Even in the hard seasons, you have stood by me and helped walk me though it all. Your goodness to us is always right there. Thank you so much for how you love us. Thank you that we are never overlooked or forgotten by you. Thank you that your love never expires or gets used up. We will praise you all our days for your goodness to us. We praise you for your faithfulness to us. We praise you for how you love to redeem and use us to do such great things. Praise be to the name of the Lord, forevermore!
In Jesus name, amen.
