April 1, 2022 - Genesis 50:20
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20 NIV
Lord, like yesterday’s prayer, I want to thank you for how you can use not just our mistakes, but you also restore us from the hurts that are caused by others. I pray again that you would help us not to get stuck in the hurt. Help us learn how to allow you to do the work in us that will bring your healing. Restore us to a stronger place than before the hurt. Teach us the things that we need to learn through these circumstances. Through these situations grow us into stronger people who can be used for greater ministry.
Give us the strength that we need to forgive. Lord, so often forgiveness and healing have several layers. We want to allow you to continually work through those layers. We don’t want to think we are done and move on if we have more layers. When it is your timing to bring another layer to the surface, help us be willing to bring it to you and have you work us through that layer. Show us any places where we have run the other way and refused to acknowledge another layer or refused to allow you to deal with it. Forgive us for that. Give us the strength we need to let you complete the healing so we can fully be set free.
We want to come though the hurt and healing to a place that we can help others through similar situations. We see this so clearly in the story of Joseph. There were so many people in his life that purposefully hurt him and tried to destroy him. He had so many reasons to grow bitter, yet he forgave and allowed you to heal him. You used his circumstances to grow him into a man that you could use to save his nation. How wonderful. We ask that you use the hurt in our lives to do incredible things through us in the same manner.
In Jesus name, amen.
