Donate to Colleen's Ministry
Why donate?
Every Youth With A Mission (YWAM) worker, from top leadership down, raises enough funds to meet his or her own financial needs. They must raise or provide their own support funds, meaning they are responsible for their housing, food and personal ministry expenses (such as travel and communication). For most people in YWAM, these funds come from friends, family and churches who contribute financially.
I want to give you an amazing opportunity to partner with me to see the Gospel taken to the ends of the earth and the Great Commission fulfilled. You can make an investment that has an eternal return attached to it. Just imagine all the souls you will get to meet in heaven one day who want to thank you for the investment you made that was a part of them coming to know the Lord! Is God calling you to this partnership?
Although one time gifts are extremely helpful and appreciated, having a team of committed and faithful people standing with me monthly is so crucial. Even a gift of $10 a month, $120 a year can make a huge difference. Whether you want to give a one time gift or give monthly, every donation is appreciated.
To find out more about what who I am and my ministry go to
The Details
All donations are processed through Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Orlando. YWAM Orlando is a qualified tax-exempt organization under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code. All donation made to Colleen Crawford through YWAM Orlando are tax-deductible. If you have any other questions please contact me.